Friday, January 14, 2011

December - Egypt

Image references used for the December calender design.

As usual, open a new document and the size is set to A4. The canvas is then rotated so it becomes a landscape view. Then the pyramid image is placed as the background image. The size and position is adjusted with the Free Transform Tool (ctrl+T).

Duplicate the image into a new layer by pressing ctrl+J and apply photo filter on it. I used a Dark Blue filter with the strength of 100%.

The image of the cyclone is imported in and background is erased with the Eraser Tool (E) with the soft brush selected. Then go to Image>Adjustment>Match Color and select the photo filter layer as the source. This will make the cyclone's color match the background.

Another image of cyclone is imported and the color of the cyclone is matched with the background too.

 By using the clone stamp tool, the cloudy sky is cloned to fill the empty spaces. Making it more realistic as cyclones comes with cloudy and gloomy sky. Clouds are added at the ground level so that it looks like dusts. The clouds are added by selecting an area using the Lasso Tool and then go to Filter>Render>Clouds and the master opacity is lowered.

The cracked floor texture is then imported and resized by using the Free Transform (ctrl+T) and also perspective. The image is duplicated to fully cover the ground. The blending options of these layer are set to Luminosity

Add a new levels adjustment layer and adjusted it to be darker.

The final image after the calender template is inserted.

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