Thursday, October 21, 2010

Second meeting

Date: 21-Oct-2010
Time: 3pm-3:45pm
Location: DR0001

Attendance: Khim Wui, Chin Yong, Fen Nie, Yook Meng
Absent: None

In our second meeting, we decided to put our idea of portraying the specialty of each country in each month on halt and try experimenting on other ideas before deciding. Chin Yong did a brief explanation of the functions in Photoshop as the two girls are still unfamiliar with it. Although the theme was on halt, we had decided which month we are responsible for as shown below:

January-March: Pook Khim Wui
April-June: Tang Yook Meng
July-September: Yau Fen Nie
October-December: Te Chin Yong

We had cleared some of our doubts today by inquiring the lecturer and hopefully we can proceed smoothly. As for the theme, it will be decided after we experimented with other ideas and decision will be made based on the results.

Minutes prepared by: Pook Khim Wui

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